Category Archives: technology

Google :: Copyright :: World Brain…what does it all mean?


I consider Sundance a nice warm-up to SXSW.  In doing some research about what’s playing and who/what we’ll be hearing about in the next week I found something that has fascinated me.  It’s a documentary called “Google and The World Brain.” 

There are several layers to the filmmaker’s synopsis:  copyrights for authors (can’t help but compare this to musicians) as well as the right to access of information vs. the monopoly of information.  I’ve long been a Google fan, but with the latest change to their search algorithm their stock has plummeted (in my book).  If the trailer intrigues you, definitely make a point to read a Q&A with the filmmaker over on IndieWire.    Ben Lewis has had a pretty broad view of the world throughout his career.  He claims the message of his film is ‘Down with technoutopianism!'”  Huh.  I think I just added a new word to my vocabulary!

Now I’m off to search for a copy of H. G. Wells’ “World Brain.”

Artists taking the reigns


In this constantly evolving digital age we live in, musicians seem to have more and more obstacles in the way to receiving proper paychecks. This fall an organization was formed to bring artists together and protect their rights. In turn this should also prove beneficial to their fans.

Featured Artists Coalition was to have a big meeting this week but it had to be cancelled due to the heavy amounts of snowfall in Britain. When it is re-scheduled they will discuss funding and where to find an artist representative. That should be a doozy of a meeting!

Here is a youtube vid recently posted to explain their goals:

Check out the coalition on their website or myspace.

(Mostly) Tech-related music news


The ether is electric at the moment with a ton of tech talk this week, but I’ve thrown in a couple other bits that may interest you non-techies out there.  😉

  • SXSW Interactive keynote gets a little dicey.  Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, isn’t exactly fond of the press and the interaction got a little overheated at one point. 
  • It’s ‘Splitsville’ for Art Brut and EMI.  After releasing a single without the band’s knowledge last month it’s no surprise.  Art Brut’s site explains it this way:   “The spark just wasn’t there anymore. The reasons, you ask? There were many. Maybe the age difference, maybe the mounting work committments. It just looks as if they both needed some space.”
  • Stereogum takes on the NY Times’ coverage of NY-area bands.  (They try to take it a step further from the MTV article earlier this year.)
  • Paste won Magazine of the Year at the Plug Awards.  Here is a list of all winners.
  • While on the subject of awards…the SXSW Interactive Web Awards have also been given out.  Elf Yourself won in the ‘Amusement’ category.  Full list here.
  • Sony BMG inches toward offering free music.  They’re working with the company Peter Gabriel is backing (I blogged about the company a couple months ago.
  • The Futureheads are out to prove a point.  They’re encouraging fans to put their single onto the charts without the aid of a major label.

Peter Gabriel’s digital investments


Long a supporter of new technology, Peter Gabriel has been quiet on the matter in recent years.  As he explains to Macworld this week, he has been working and investing behind the scenes to help music fans in their quest for downloading.

I find it interesting he’s chosen an ad-supported service.  It very well could be the future.  But I do agree that it is difficult to weed through new artists in the current landscape.  I hope companies such as these he mentions will become more prominent.