Tag Archives: Pop Culture

New era for the Oscars?


Have to give the powers that be props for trying something new – nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?   Opinions seem to vary whether it won viewers over last night.

Anyone else think the past winners awarding Best and Supporting Actor/Actress categories was eerily like sorority and fraternity initiation ceremonies?  I liked the idea behind it, but not so sure about the part where a winner spoke directly to each nominee.  It felt stilted.

And could someone please help Beyonce understand the definition of ‘overexposure’?  It’s ridiculous that she’s performing for every awards show imaginable…and boring.

Not much to comment on ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and the much deserved accolades.  If you haven’t seen it make sure to seek it out or put it on your rental list.  One of the most clever movies I’ve seen in some time.

But what you may have missed if you couldn’t make it to the end of the broadcast was a montage of upcoming movies for 2009.  It was clear throughout the show they made an effort to play up movies and genres that don’t often get nominated.  This montage was set to a slammin’ song and actually set a tone that I think most award shows aspire to but always seem to fall short – happily looking forward.

See for yourself –

Jon Stewart takes reporters to task


I don’t comment on political happenings very often.  We all know that Jon Stewart is almost always on point.  This time was no exception – he tells it like it is.

According to this article Stewart had breakfast with reporters at the Democratic National Convention this morning and gave them some much-needed straight talk.  He accused them of being too cozy with those they are covering and simply regurgitating political spin. 

Stewart knows that is why so many knowlegable folks tune into HIS show.  He may have a humorous angle, but he tells it like it is rather than spewing what the political machine wants released.  Not all that long ago there were some journalists interested in digging for substance and trying to keep politicians honest.

Yeah, Jon Stewart for calling out the robots!

Thursday’s misc. post


Lately it’s been tough to get time to collect my thoughts enough for a post so I’m afraid this one will be all over the place.  First thing I need to do is get the most pressing thing off my mind.  And that’s a statement to the BPI (British Phonographic Industry):  Leave my friends alone!!

Hey, with higher gas prices, food, etc. it’s getting harder and harder to justify imports.  I wouldn’t complain as much if more of the music I liked would make it over here (sooner rather than later).  Oi.  Here’s the latest from The Guardian.

And have any of you been keeping up on the Banksy reveal?  There have been lots of column inches about it lately.  This week Time has jumped in. 

And speaking of Time, I thought it was interesting that they have a poll going on the Best and Worst Sports Execs.  Do Time readers care?  It just seems like an odd poll for Time, but I’m not a routine Time reader so what do I know.  Lew Perkins (KU and formerly with UConn) is in the running which is how I heard about the poll.  As of today he’s in the top 5.

More random stuff to come. Stay tuned…

Did you know?

  • Canadian Idol contestants had their choice of David Bowie songs this week (Idolator)
  • New formats on the horizon?  Music 2.0 to replace mp3s and T-Bone Burnett’s new CODE process
  • Planning next years vacation?  More artists are jumping on the Cruise Ship bandwagon (from Skynyrd to Hiatt to Barenaked Ladies)
  • If you plan to catch Mama Mia! this weekend…here’s a case for why ABBA’s music is so catchy
  • Weeks away from the Fall TV season and the worst shows are already being dissed. 

Meandering Elephants in w. Kansas


At least there’s been one amusing story coming out of the deluge of storms across the midwest over the last month or more.  Yesterday afternoon’s storms in Western Kansas scared the elephants in a traveling circus and they escaped, wandering around the town of Wakeeney, KS.

When I heard this on the news last night (as we were threatened by the same storm), I made a note that I should check the story out online in the morning.  Get to work, do a search & the best (and most humorous) coverage comes from The Telegraph in the UK.  There are a couple of photos taken by the family as well.  How funny is that? 

They have photos taken by the family…the whole bit.  And I love how they make it sound so dramatic.  Here we say something like “people were looking twice when they saw a couple elephants walking into their back yard”.  As opposed to “the family had the shock of their lives when frightened circus elephants entered their garden” – !!!

The story also made me think that there could be a good band name in here somewhere…Wandering Elephants…Meandering Elephants…or even the name of the town – Wakeeney.   🙂

Hollywood losses


Been quite a week for losing some fine Hollywood names that we all remember.  Within days we lost Dick Martin, Sydney Pollack and Harvey Korman.  Three entertainers that will not be forgotten.  I have fond memories watching each one of these men do what they were born to do – perform.

Although they were very different, they each had a way of making you feel at ease – whether you were laughing or crying.  How many times did we crack up at Harvey Korman totally losing it when he was working with Tim Conway?  And everytime I saw Sydney Pollack in a film I always felt like it was a perk.  I can’t think of anyone else that I think that about.  And Dick Martin was the goof to Rowan’s straight-guy in such a classic manner…we’ll miss each of you!

Creator of Boy Bands sentenced


Maybe justice does win out now and again.  Lou Pearlman is going to spend some significant time behind bars.  25 years to be exact. 

But tell me – do you think he was sentenced for swindling people out of $300 million plus or was it really payback for ‘giving’ us the Backstreet Boys and N’Sync?

Another fun fact – he presented the court with a plan where he had a new boy band to promote in order to pay back money owed…but the court didn’t bite.  Go figure.

Playing the Building


It’s been announced that David Byrne will have a new installation opening in New York this summer.  If you’re in the area you should try to check it out.  He will essentially morph a building into a musical instrument.

How?  Well, it sounds as though attachments throughout the structure will incorporate tones and vibrations.  This isn’t the first time he’s created this type of installation.  His site shows a similar project in Sweden, Fall 2005.  He also posts some recordings of that particular venture.

Find out more (including a map to the The Battery Maritime Building) – the installation opens May 31st and goes through August 10, 2008.

Things to ponder on a Friday afternoon


Watch out, I’m actually writing a real blog post!

Going thru the news today there are a few things to talk about, but not worth devoting an entire post.  For instance, did you see where Amy Winehouse was arrested?  Wouldn’t it be wild to put Amy in the same cell block along with Pete Doherty and Wesley Snipes.  If walls could talk…

Last night I went out with friends to see Kids In The Hall here in K.C.  I luv the Kids and they didn’t disappoint.  Overall I enjoyed how they randomly inserted some pop culture references.  My favorite of the night was a knock on Coldplay.   One couple was discussing how the other couple’s baby was mean-looking.  The wife suggested the husband sing to the baby:  “I can’t.  All that comes to mind when I look at the baby is songs of slavery, human suffering and ‘Yellow’ by Coldplay!”  🙂

It was a thrill to see them live – my favorite sketch was Dave Foley explaining to Kevin MacDonald why he believes his imaginary girlfriend was cheating on him.   Those guys have such chemistry they could make any scenario funny.

Hey…did you see that Jimmy Fallon will take over Conan’s spot when he moves to the Tonight Show?  That just might work.

Enough with the antics, time to get back to work.